I have recently been introduced to Herbalife and it hasn't taken long for me to start noticing the differences to my body.

I am therefore going to embark on a 90 day challenge starting Monday 1st February. Follow my #90daychallenge #level10 for exercise info, healthy meals and my favourite way to use Herbalife products.

Please feel free to send me a message on this page and I will be happy to share any info with you.

Follow our Instagram - @herbalifetogether
Or e-mail us at - herbalifetogether@hotmail.com

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Week One

I am well in to my first week with Herbalife’s #90daychallenge #level10 and wanted to share my thoughts and experiences with you all so far.

Just to note that before I started this diet I took my 'before' photos the night before which I will be sharing with you all at a later date.

I’ve obviously tried the shakes before and the strawberry flavor is quickly becoming my favourite. I usually have it with fruit and milk in a morning and then with either milk or water for my lunch. This morning I just went simple and tried it with milk and frozen strawberries and it was delicious but it also goes great with bananas, blueberries or whatever fruit you like. I try not to eat too much fruit throughout the day because of all the sugar but if I have it in the morning I can easily burn it off throughout the day.

My favourite flavour so far!

Anyone who knows me will know that I am a very organised person and this has certainly helped so far with my challenge. As long as I am planning ahead I find that it’s actually quite enjoyable. I don’t want to leave my snacks or my meals until the last minute so that I am left with something that I don’t enjoy. So keeping it interesting is very important – there’s no point having the same snacks and meals every day and there are so many nice foods that you can eat without it being a miniscule portion.

For my snacks I’ve been having scrambled eggs, tuna, high protein yoghurts, nuts and Herbalife protein bars which are great for the chocolate intake that you might need. I also sometimes combine these snacks together but I am mindful that for weight loss the snacks should not increase 150 calories.

Snack - Herbalife chocolate peanut protein bar and natural yoghurt

I know it is my own fault that my metabolism is so bad after years of missing breakfast, other meals and then binging in big meals. This diet never leaves me feeling hungry as I’m eating so regularly and I am making a promise to myself that once my metabolism improves – I cannot ever let it drop again.

If you are wanting to achieve similar goals or you are interested in any further information about Herbalife just drop me an e-mail at georgia_spolvy@hotmail.co.uk or fill out the contact form on the left and we'll talk further.

Wish me luck and follow this blog to watch my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog! I also love strawberry :-) another way to try it is with cranberry juice and frozen berries. I wouldn't recommend twice per day but certainly nice for breakfast.
    Looking forward to seeing your results x
